Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homeschooling Books

I've been curious about homeschooling lately, so have read:

Complete Idiot's Guide to Homeschooling by Marsha Ransom. This book is exactly what the title says it is. I knew little about homeschooling before reading it and after reading it, knew the basics. It briefly discussed common homeschooling philosophies and how to go about teaching your children. It was informative, but I also skimmed large chunks of it that were full of common-sense information.

100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy was a much better book. It went through the different philosophies more in depth and had several lists of questions to help you decide on which type of curriculum best suits you and your child(ren)'s needs. About 2/3 of the book is curriculum reviews.